Complete7 Insights


Written by Jonathan Furbo | Oct 5, 2023 12:47:14 PM

How can your business implement the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a way that drives sustainability and creates a competitive advantage? In this blog post, we dive into SDG 7 and explore how strategic sustainability work can accelerate your company's green transition

UN Sustainable Development Goals
Working with the SDGs can provide your company with both direction and legitimacy in your sustainability efforts. In this blog post, we will focus on how a strategic approach to sustainability can enhance your company's green transition, with a particular focus on Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy.

CO2-eq Baseline and Efficient Data Management
A CO2-eq baseline is a starting point on the journey towards a more sustainable business. This initial measurement not only provides a clear picture of the company's current status but also lays the foundation for identifying areas where improvements can be made.

Sustainable Development Goal 7 in Practice
Integrating SDG 7 into your company's strategy can involve a range of initiatives, from energy optimization to experimenting with new methods. This is particularly relevant for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which play a crucial role in the green transition. An energy optimization project, for example, can be an effective step towards reducing energy consumption in production or in the office.

By taking a proactive approach to sustainability and strategically working with the SDGs, your company can not only reduce its environmental impact but also strengthen its position in the market.

Contact us today to learn how our expertise and tools can help your business step into a greener future.